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The new Palm Abbe is a fourth-generation digital handheld refractometer that puts laboratory precision in the palm of your hand. Not just laboratory precision, but laboratory precision for the price of a traditional analog refractometer. It is exactly the kind of bold, cutting-edge technology you would expect from MISCO, the company that pioneered the digital handheld refractometer.

The Palm Abbe refractometer is fast, convenient, and easy to use. Simply place a drop or two of fluid in the well and press a button on the key-pad. The custom-designed microprocessor delivers a nearly instantaneous readout in refractive index, degrees Brix, or any one of a thousand different units of measure, allowing you to read directly in the units you desire. Nonlinear temperature compensation is automatic and insures that fluids read between 0 and 50 °C (+32 to 122 °F) are measured accurately. Nonlinear temperature compensation is more accurate than the (linear) automatic temperature compensation (ATC) on analog refractometers.

The large dual-line LCD display is easily read, even in dim light, and removes the subjectivity associated with interpreting where a boundary line crosses tiny scale divisions. And, it is so easy to use! The user interface consists of two buttons, one to take readings and the other to step through various menu options.

Calibration is automatic and does not require the use of special calibration solutions or tools. The Palm Abbe refractometer automatically calibrates itself to water and is ready to use in seconds. No more screws to turn and nothing to adjust. If you need NIST Traceable Certified Calibration, it can be ordered under Misco Palm Abbe Accessories below.


The MISCO PA201 digital Brix refractometer is used extensively as a base scale for measuring metalworking fluids, lubricants, and industrial chemicals. It also is a valuable instrument for determining the sugar content in fruits, vegetables, juices, beverages, and in wine and beer making.


The Misco PA202 is a dual-scale digital refractometer with scales for measuring both Brix (to 85) and refractive index (to 1.5000). Both the Brix and refractive index scales can be used to measure a nearly unlimited number of fluids.


The PA202X Palm Abbe Digital Refractometer is custom programmed with two scales. You can test ONE substance for TWO properties, or you can test TWO substances for one property.  NOTE:  Please indicate which scales you need in the Order Notes!


Misco PA200 Palm Abbe Digital Freeze Point Refractometer with four options: freeze point in either °F or °C for testing either Propylene Glycol or Ethylene Glycol


Misco Palm Abbe Digital PA202X Models for Salt Brine can test the concentration of  salt brine solutions such as liquid road deicer along with the freeze point in either F or C


Misco Palm Abbe Digital DEF Refractometer are ideal for testing and monitoring the concentration of urea-based Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF or AdBlue).


eMaple Misco Digital Maple Syrup Refractometer is more accurate than a hydrometer and reduces the time that it takes to measure maple sap and maple syrup.


The Misco Digital Honey Refractometer is beneficial to professional beekeepers, honey producers, honey mixers, or anyone requiring the absolute most accurate, repeatable readings of moisture content and percent solids in honey.


Misco Digital-Dairy™ Refractometers provide reliable estimates of the percent solids in waste milk, IgG blood levels, blood plasma protein concentration, colostrum quality, and calf hydration.  Choose from two-scale and four-scale models.


Dual and multi-scale digital beer refractometers will give you a much more accurate indication of true total sugar content of wort, as opposed to an estimate from a sucrose-based Brix refractometer. Misco beer scales are automatically temperature compensated specifically for wort.


The Misco Palm Abbe Wine Refractometer can provide an instant digital “field” determination of grape ripeness, grape-must concentration, grape-must density, and sugar content, as well as the potential and actual alcohol content of the finished wine.  Available in either 2-scale or 5-scale models.


PA202X and PA203X Misco Palm Abbe Digital Veterinary Refractometers have veterinary urine scales for dog and cat specific gravity, total proteins, and Refractive Index.  Choose from either a 2-scale or 4-scale model.


The Palm Abbe AQUAR Digital Seawater Refractometers are professional refractometers for testing seawater, salt water, and brackish ocean water for oceanography, aquaculture, aquariums, desalination plants, and ocean research.  Choose from 2-scale and 5-scale models.


Misco Palm Abbe Digital Automotive Refractometer programmed with scales for ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and specific gravity of sulfuric acid.


Misco Digital Refractometer for Fire Sprinkler Maintenance is programmed with scales for propylene glycol and glycerine, testing freeze point in F and % concentration by volume plus a 5th scale for refractive index of fire-fighting foam. Misco PA202 with dual refractive index and Brix scales is the ideal refractometer for measuring AFFF and FFFP firefighting foams.


The MISCO PA203 is a high-precision digital refractometer that can be programmed with up to 5 scales that match your unique fluid measurement needs to create a truly custom refractometer. NOTE:  Please indicate which scales you need in the order notes!


Protect your Palm Abbe Digital Refractometer with a Rubber Armor Jacket or with the virtually indestructible Proof Case.  Save $10.00 when you buy both!


Two-point NIST Traceable Certified Calibration on a new refractometer, with Level I documentation